With this project from Pierre Charlier you can easily and cheapily make your own cocktail maker! The cocktail maker is controlled by an Arduino Mega which interfaces between a “drink selection” touch screen and the motors that control the cocktail making! This is a great project to show off to your friends or to learn more about what Arduino is capable of. All of the design files and required code for this project are openly available so there is nothing stopping you making your own! If you want to find out more check out the following link.
You can check the video below to find out more:
If you are looking for a motor driver the team at SuperHouse Automation recommends the Freetronics Dual Channel H-Bridge Motor Driver Shield. To find out more check out the Dual Channel H-Bridge Motor Driver Shield page.
Are you are thinking about making your own cocktail maker? Have a project you would like us to feature in this blog? The team at SuperHouse Automation would love to know! Tell us about it in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.
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